Marriage, Baptisim & Funerals

Marriage, Baptisim & Funerals

If you live in Kemnay Parish or your parents live in the Parish then it  is possible to be married in Kemnay Church or some other venue by the Minister of Kemnay Church.
There is a Marriage Preparation Course available usually in February each year. For more information contact us at the Church Office or look at the Wedding Leaflet 


By transferring from another Church of Scotland Congregation to Kemnay Church. You can do this by contacting your previous Church and asking for a Certificate of Transference and passing this into Kemnay Church Office or the Minister.     

By letter of recommendation from another denomination, e.g. Baptist Church, to be passed to the Office or Minister.

By your name being restored to the roll of the Church if you have lost contact with your previous congregation.               

Either by Confirmation of your Baptism as a child or by Baptism.         

It is the practice of the Church of Scotland to Baptise adults who wish to make a statement of their Faith and become members of the Church.
It is also the practice of the Church of Scotland to Baptise infants and children of those who are members or intend to become members of the Church.
A leaflet is available giving further information – Click Here

There are special services available for those who are not members of the Church but wish to celebrate the gift of their Child


The Minister is available to anyone living in the Parish of Kemnay whether member or not to provide support and care at the time of a death. To make arrangements for a Funeral please contact the Minister as  soon as possible after the death of your loved one so that arrangements can be made and support can be given. 

You can also look at our Funerals Leaflet – Click Here

Funerals are a time when we look for comfort and help in our sadness and loss while also looking for hope, that death is not the end but the beginning of a new adventure with God. It is also a time of celebrating and giving thanks for the deceased life.

 Music has long been used to help express our emotions of sadness and longing and that is why we make use of music so much when we come into God’s presence for worship. A great deal of music has been specially composed to help us in times of need and there are many words that have been specially written for funerals such as: Be still my soul, Blessed assurance, Dear Lord and Father of mankind, Great is thy faithfulness, Guide me O thou great Jehovah, I heard the voice of Jesus say, I will sing the wondrous story, Rock of ages, The King of love my shepherd and many more.

 We recognise that families may wish to make use of music that has been specially liked by their loved one and short pieces can be used before or after the service and the minister is always very happy to discuss this with families. Since funerals are set within an act of worship the main emphasis on music would always be to provide those who are mourning with a spiritual setting which is both comforting and uplifting. It is always good then to be in touch with the minister as soon as possible after a bereavement so that the practical arrangements can be made and specially the choice of music.



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